Sunday, November 24, 2019


Sitting, living room, radio commercial sings, go to a magic land and enjoy the sun... sing dance eat...
The patriarch grumbles that we cannot get beyond the moat of treachery..  this is the prison we surrounded ourselves in..
(imaginary moat)

I live in a secluded place, surrounded by evil, beastly beings forged from centuries of angry displaced souls. Their is no leave. No refuge.. their presence is that of 3 story warriors, Ugly swarms of metal clad rabbits, dark smoke, fire, treachery. 
No one here has ever left.

The dark (hooded 1915? ) eyed kids, in the class rooms, speaking ill of everyone
always, mean to certain kids.. striking, insulting,  

put horseradish in other kids meals, worms in horseradish.. pondering.. a worm in horse radishes whole world is horseradish


the sky lights with a ball, a moon

the narrative, thats the insane lady who claims she made the moon
we trek past an open pond, pick up a rock and skip it across... I see the ripples in a certain pattern, indicative of gametree, permutation, a vision I will have a few times through this book
we conspire to TP her lawn, 
arriving inbetween an army of 2 3 story statues constructed from wood, eyes lit by a green glow of fire flies
we fire long streams of toilet paper, she joins us
Gresh, smiling, has a streaming colorful flare of her own...
locking eyes with her I see a full world way unfolding 
the Hoodies scatter
I stay..
she begins to sign, she cannot speak
she writes "I want to show you"

we move toward her place, her studio
filled with color and art
we move out over a porched roof that over seas the other side of town
lit with stars and spangled with her balloons 
sewn and lit by lightning bugs
one perches high and fools many to be the moon

she fills one
from a tank and a glass globe full of glow
hands it to me and I begin to float
up and over the limits of this town
all that I imagined on the perimeter melts away
all the beasts and fire
walls and treachery
all constructed out of fear/gloom
I float far, 
worlds away past statues of liberty, through magnificent clouds and a hundred sunsets and sunrises
the eiffel tower,
a moat of ocean, birds trekking

the instructions read to stop here
move here
buy this art hand this young man this envelope
butterfly effect of a young Adolf whos path is forever alterred by this spark of optimism
he locks eyes with __________ and sees an invisioned body of work that he had preset melt before him.. Surreeal.. Expressive..
He feels a wave of energy wash over him, he begins to believe in the madness inside of him... Expresses it differently
permutations change, the rippled pond appears again.. the dark side of the  branches change to light.. a dark plume over Europe begins to erode, 

I float onward

through a war torn middle east?
past the wall of China
past Japan
over an ocean and back to home

It was over a night, a longggg dream maybe, but I found myself sneaking back in my window on the same given night.

The next day I skip school and head straight to Gresh's house
she smiles, hands me a wrench, 13/16 in size exactly and tells me to head through these trails, "Theres a trail for everything around here it seems"... Gresh looks at me grabs my hands and smiles..draws a picture that depicts "every thing is connected, everything is entangled"... see those crows there? watching us on the power lines? .. They can hear us speak, and feel it in their hearts, carry that energy through their feet, into those powerlines and into the world... of course we aren't talking about anything anyone wants to hear. But if someone were asking a question about 13/16 wrenches and listened to the silence...

I couldn't help but think, what a crazy broad this Gresh woman is.

I trek, pushing brush aside and moving past old rotting automobiles etc.

I hear clanging, swearing
this spry old man is unloading a tool box of wrenches at this large 3 story cylindrical machine fixed to the side of his house.. "I had a 13/16 wrench yesterday" ....
terrified I turn, "you there! you... where what did you come from? I turn exposing my possession, ... what is that? A 13/16 sir... where did you get that? as he snaps it from my hands. Her name is Gresh sir.. she told me to bring this to you.

He glares at me, I see a world war in his eyes again, call me Silas
he turns and returns to wrenching on this gun tower


Party shows up at Ginnys house to talk gossip, and Ginny knows that Party steals from Silas and takes his wrench back when hes not looking.. soon to return to Silas somehow

war/stitched up chest/literally opens it and colors come out

imagination for what surrounds ________ town, evil animals, beasts, tanks, war machines..

war with sky
belief that storm comes with war/duty
and shelling the night sky thunder diverts storm

framing square shots and flowers

the lengthways

square gears..

the polys, made of wood cut from framing square layouts

the magic room/him stumbling in one night to see her fly

the box with her picture

the trip into town swerving to catch flowers the town bar

Petrich believes Silas to be magic, for his fortune telling on the framing square and flower picking..
3 legged dog

the axis dance

the house he builds one room at a time/ eventually opening to the night sky/ enlightened

3 card poker, always betting always winning/game tree vision again

Friends, Party, Big Big Gunny, The Crowbar, Thump, Tig Mantis

Crowbars connection, entanglement, powerlines?

Building the guntower surrounding himself with bad people...

The party, show up early and help with set up... an hour later only Petrich and Silas are working, his friends come later and go straight up to the gun tower to see the coordinates to be shot... straight up... murder them all. His friends disband and no longer come around

Petrich falls in love with Ginny
Ginny and He have a conversation about how Silas didn't know what flowers to swerve into he was just drunk.. Lilies aren't my favorite.. You were.. and the 3 shot thing, I think was just courage. Silas told me he just made you believe in yourself.

funny shits to intersperse..
the turtle, that is a stick, looks like a turtle.. The Crowbar could be telling Petrich this and Petrich is wiser

Im the safest mother fucker in the car!!!

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